10 years of Premier Skills exhibition
Collaboration takes you further

It has been two years since I approached the Premier League with an idea to photograph their fans around the world. I had gone out of the blue to pitch the idea to them, something I had never done before. As a photographer there is often a separation between commissioned work and personal work but occasionally the two come together and beautiful things occur. Thankfully the Premier League were interested, better than that they brought a whole new element to the project that I didn’t expect and made it far stronger. 
That was why I was running down a Soweto street with ten kids and an old football trying to photograph them in the last of the evening light. These kids can go up the road after school to train with some of the best coaches in South Africa. As part of the Premier Skills program run by the British Council, Premier League coaches travel to some of the most impoverished communities in the world and train locals to be football educators. A domino effect begins as these educators spread the best coaching practices throughout their area. The scheme has reached a staggering 1.2 million kids. It gives them dreams, teaches them the benefits of commitment, and keeps them out of drugs and crime. I knew nothing about this program which the Premier League runs in partnership with the British Council, but it sounded interesting and I was eager to develop the project to include this.
I love collaboration, particularly when both sides gain from it. Without collaborating with the British Council and the Premier League I would not have been able to tell these stories. Staff based in South Africa and India opened the doors for me, they introduced me to the people they had been working with for years and then gave me free reign to tell their stories as I saw best. I embraced the challenge with open arms just like I do my personal work. I spent months before my travels chatting to coaches on Skype, talking football with the local fan clubs and finding out about India and South Africa. I slowly developed the best way to make this project. On the ground this freedom continued, I could photograph the way I wanted to and embrace the situations I found myself in. The resulting exhibition is very different from how I first imagined the project two years ago, but that’s the thing about collaboration – you change your viewpoint and learn new things when you work with others. The photographs show the power football has to promote positive change in communities around the world. They tell the stories of the inspiring people I met. It’s been great collaborating in this way and I hope I can do more projects like this in the future.
9 Feb – 24 March 2017, Monday-Friday 9-5

 Nomonde is a coach educator in Soweto. She sees herself as an important role model for children in her local community. She teaches children football skills and educates them about social issues.

This girl lost her mother a year ago. At fourteen, she has taken on all her responsibilities. Without the Premier Skills sessions, she would never have a chance to play, and never have a chance to feel like a child.  

In Kolkata, visually impaired girls are partnered with visually able friends to play football together. People with disabilities are often not included in sporting activities, but this makes them feel valued within the community.  

I was eager to also capture the many football followers I came across on my trip so I visited super fans in South Africa, businessmen in Mumbai and stopped regularly on the streets of Kolkata and Johannesburg to capture the everyday people we saw in their favourite team’s jerseys.  

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Premier League and British Council for making this project happen. Tim Vine for keeping his faith in my ideas, Chris Chadwick who travelled with me, helped endlessly and made a beautiful film of the experience. And to all the many staff at the British Council both in the UK and abroad without whom this project would not have been possible.

10 years of Premier Skills exhibition - Collaboration takes you further — Charlie Clift

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 - Patience – Channel 4 - Charlie Clift

Patience – Channel 4

  It was great fun to create the posters for Patience, Channel 4’s new crime drama. Fascinating to shoot on location in a real life archive in Belgium. Check out the new series starring Ella Maisy Purvis and Laura Fraser here. A huge thanks to Eagle Eye Drama and Happy Duck Films.  

Zoe Saldaña - Cartier - Golden Globes – Cartier - Charlie Clift

Golden Globes – Cartier

Friends of the Maison photographed for the 82nd Golden Globes. Massive thanks to Cartier, Victor & Simon, and the whole team who worked so hard to make this happen.

 - Day of the Jackal – Sky TV - Charlie Clift

Day of the Jackal – Sky TV

  It was a joy to create publicity portraits with Eddie Redmayne, Lashana Lynch and Úrsula Corberó to promote the release of Day of the Jackal – out now on Sky Atlantic and Peacock. It’s been really cool to see my portraits appearing in The Telegraph Magazine, Sunday Times Culture, Square Mile, The LA Times, Vanity Fair Italia and The Washington Post. Huge thanks to all the teams at Sky TV and LxL Creative for their support in making this. It’s always a pleasure working with such great people.      

 - Olivia Williams – Hollywood Authentic - Charlie Clift

Olivia Williams – Hollywood Authentic

Olivia Williams is a wonder in front of your lens. One moment she is doing the splits and making you laugh with joy, and the next you’re almost in tears watching her incredible display of emotions. It was a total pleasure photographing her for Hollywood Authentic’s column ‘A Little Nonsense’. See Olivia in Dune: Prophecy on HBO now. Big thanks to Jane Crowther and Greg Williams from Hollywood Authentic and Olivia Garnham from Premier comms for making the shoot happen. Check out Jane’s interview with Olivia here: LINK Lovely to work with this top bunch: Ciona Johnson King – Make Up George Hall – First Assistant Rosie Wilson – Digi Tech  

 - Malcolm and John David Washington – Hollywood Authentic - Charlie Clift

Malcolm and John David Washington – Hollywood Authentic

I shared a delightful half hour with brotherly director – actor duo Malcolm and John David Washington in the lead-up to their new film ‘The Piano Lesson”. We discussed everything from childhood talent shows to the joys of working with your family. Big thanks to the Netflix Publicity team and 2PM Sharp, and to Greg Williams and Jane Crowther for having me back on the Hollywood Authentic team. Check out Jane’s interview with Malcolm and John David here: LINK

James Norton - The Sunday Times Culture - James Norton – The Sunday Times Culture - Charlie Clift

James Norton – The Sunday Times Culture

Such fun working with James Norton again, not only a total gent, but also so open to experimenting and creating together. Catch him in Netflix’s new show ‘Joy’ on the 22nd of November. Big thanks to Adam Hearn from The Sunday Times Culture for the ace commission. Styling: Rose Ford Grooming: Petra Sellge Publicists: Jessica Williams & Sarah Prendergast from Tapestry Photo team: George Hall and Michael Farra  

 - Lennie James – Hollywood Authentic - Charlie Clift

Lennie James – Hollywood Authentic

A little nonsense with Lennie James. A top afternoon in my studio with the actor from The Walking Dead, Line of Duty, Snatch and many many more. See him star in Mr Loverman on the BBC now. Big thanks to Greg Williams and Jane Crowther for bringing me on board the Hollywood Authentic team. Check out Jane’s interview with Lennie here: LINK

Yulia Navalnaya - Die Zeit - Yulia Navalnaya – Die Zeit - Charlie Clift

Yulia Navalnaya – Die Zeit

  It was a privilege to photograph Yulia Navalnaya.A calm and powerful presence, determined, emotional, always open to laughter. I hope I’ve captured something true in my portraits of her. Massive thanks to Lara Huck, Alice Bota and Michael Thumann.  

 - Cartier Libre – Paris Fashion Week - Charlie Clift

Cartier Libre – Paris Fashion Week

A wonderful night in Le Bristol as part of Paris Fashion Week, launching the Cartier Libre Tuttitutti collection. Featuring friends of the maison Lou Doillon, Virginie Efira, Noémie Merlant and Raphaël Quenard. Massive thanks to Cartier, Victor & Simon and the whole team who worked so hard to make this happen.  

Katherine Parkinson - The Sunday Times Magazine - Katherine Parkinson – The Sunday Times Magazine - Charlie Clift

Katherine Parkinson – The Sunday Times Magazine

Awesome fun photographing Katherine Parkinson who stars in Disney Plus’s new series Rivals. Big thanks Russ O’Connell and Louise Fenerci for the top assignment. Styling by Zoë Kozlik Grooming by Emma Leon Read Dominic Maxwell’s interview with Katherine here: LINK