Marquee Magic

Marquee Magic delves into the lives of the people who live and work at Zippos Circus with particular attention on ringmaster and budgie performer Norman Barrett MBE.

A little over a year ago I was walking past the park one lunchtime when I saw the huge tents of Zippos sprawled across the green. Intrigued I went back that evening with my camera to create intimate portraits of the performers. I discovered a group of dedicated and fascinating people. I wanted to delve deeper into their story. So I teamed up with filmmaker and friend Joe Morgan, and after weeks of storyboarding and planning we went back to capture the magic of the marquee.

Norman Barrett, Lucio Mauro Zafalon, Emilion Delbosq, Rosey Delarue, Joanamarie Messenger-Austen, Lewis Delbosq Samtus, Kimberly Souren, Nicolas Souren, Huhssei Nyogr, and Tamerlan Khadikov.

Co-directors – Charlie Clift & Joe Morgan
Researcher – Olly Mayhall
Camera – Joe Morgan & Martyna Knitter
Sound – Olly Mayhall
Sound design – Sound Node
Original Score – Molecular Sound
Grading – Alex Berry

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